After some very relaxing days in Merida, we wanted to go to Belize, but had a long way to go so we begun in Cancun. While Aldo was there on business, we visited the mercado 28 – famous for its tasty ceviche – and met Lucia’s uncle Huicho. It was warm so we had some cold beer, mariachi was playing, having nice food … What else do you need to be happy? Nothing, everything was perfect. After 2-3 hours we continued our journey far south. Unfortunately it was already dark when we arrived. So we only checked in and went to bed.

Next morning was awesome, we were woken up by sunshine in our big hut where all of us were sleeping. Out of the window you could see many different blue colors of the lake called Bacalar. We went for a good morning swim, relaxed and enjoyed the place far from noise, tourists and time. We then had breakfast served from the very kind owner of the place. We would’ve wanted to stay longer, but we had to leave if we wanted to catch the plane to la “Isla Bonita”. We will definitely return to this place though.