At 4am we woke up to get our flight to Patagonia. According to us we had enough time, we took a taxi and arrived to the airport at 5:37am, the boarding would start at 5:40am, we had 3 minutes to go through a relatively long line, check in, go through security and make it to the flight! Bernd approached one of the workers at the counter and she said we had to go to the sales office (sales?, does that mean we have already lost it?) Worried deeply, time passed so fast, and the line moved so slowly. Bernd managed it to find a “web” check in as it was 3 minutes to closure of check-in. It was 5:50 when we  finally could drop the baggage, she said nothing so we just acted cool and ran to security. Another line but we managed to run our ways through it as well. We were so fast that we got to the boarding gate at 5:58am, only 18 minutes after the boarding time. The flight was scheduled at 6:25am but there seemed to be some delay (yeeeeeeees!!!!) and we had successfully made it to our flight to El Calafate. – Where’s your jacket? asked Bernd while still in the line. – Dammit I thought as I ran back to the security check when I spotted the jacket in one of the counters of the duty free shop and unintentionally screamed loudly: My jacket!!!! The guard gave it to me and again we were lucky and realized there was no change in the boarding line, actually the flight was delayed about half an hour or more that day.

When we were finally boarding the plain Bernd said: – Today, we pulled a Fuentes! See, my dad is such a lucky man, I can’t remember the last time he was punctual to a flight. In fact the last time I remember his flight was scheduled for let’s say 12, it was 11:45 when he decided to pull over to get a small diet coke because he was thirsty but he did make to the flight. He has lost very few planes and my mom says he’s always hanging from the tale of the plane as he’s always late. 

At our arrival we took a shuttle to El Chalten with an older man who was more than happy to tell us everything we should do, where and how to get to some fabulous places and we talked about everything, it was a really nice talk he was a really friendly and knowledgable person so the 3 hours went by really fast. 

As we kept getting closer it started to rain and the winds were so strong and fast we were forced to go very slow. By the time we got there, the rain was pouring and the wind was so strong I couldn’t even open nor close the door to the hotel. As the night was short and the weather not really inviting we just relaxed the afternoon, hoping that the next day would get better.