After the mines still filled with dust we took a bus with a guy from Czech Republic who tagged along. Dirty and tired we arrived to our four star hotel, it felt like paradise, the enormous beds, the fresh smell of the sheets, we we’re so happy to take a break from the simple life.

Sucre was all about relaxing, walking around the beautiful surprisingly organized city and eating gourmet. We found a French restaurant which was amazing, for 35 Bob (4.20 EUR aprox) you could get a whole amazing menu.

Did I forget to tell you that after Potosi I was feeling quite angry and distrustful with Bolivian men? Before taking our mine tour we walked through a really stretch street when a green truck passed and slowly took his hand out (I was thinking he was just going to pull his mirror) and grabbed my sacred under body womenly part, it was the most disgusting thing ever. Not even the two times Hindus grabbed my boobs, or the other two times in Austria my butt was squooshed did I feel so unprotected and fragil, it was horrible. 

Now the time my friend was spanked by a stranger in Barcelona was funny, this wasn’t. Anyway, I always walked in the interior of the sidewalk and always in front of Bernd. Still doing it and will do for the rest of the trip.

To get back to Sucre we loved it, it was a piece of calmness and great food. Getting lower to aprox. 2700m also caused a nice temperature change. Sucre was a real surprise as we didn’t expect having lunch at about 25 degrees and nights not colder than 12 degrees were really welcomed.

For the 25th we’ve booked a flight to La Paz to “avoid” a long and maybe uncomfortable ride by bus. Driving to the airport the taxi driver mentioned that the flight might not leave due to weather conditions, which is quite common for Sucre. Arriving at the airport we were asked to wait an hour and a half for more information, maybe the weather would change. At 15:00 we knew we wouldn”t leave todday. The company told us that they would contact us once they knew when we could fly. At 17:00 we got the notice that the next available seats are 5 days later. Shock!

The only way to not lose more time was to get to the bus terminal and book the next bus. After another hour we already were on the bus, sleeping class! Yeah! Hmmm, road conditions in Bolivia, night buses, safety, … No way we had to take it! The seats were quite comfortable, just Lucia’s couldn’t get fixed in a position so she spent the night jumping up and down. Of course almost all passengers got woken up everytime there was a “tope” (velocity reducer), as the suspensions of the bus weren’t the newest, and we we’re literally jumping over those obstacles. Around 3AM the bus stopped; there were no lights, it was in the middle of the nowhere. We’ve noticed that there was a minivan beside the road. The baggage doors opened and for about 10 minutes items were transferred between the bus and the minivan. We just thought: bye bye backpacks! Should we leave? Should we check what was really  going on? No, better not, just do like the others, ignore it! We tried to sleep the rest of the journey, thinking about all the alternatives we would have, now without our backpacks 🙁