We were running out of luck, the day before our tour to Isla Damas was cancelled due to the weather, and the sky was looking pretty cloudy when we arrived to Vicuña. With a cloudy sky there cannot be a tour to see the stars, obviously.

In the afternoon we went to climb a hill where a graffiti of Obama Bin Laden was drawn with wings and this sentence: Am I really dead? That was weird, but the view of the Elqui Valley from the hill was amazing.

We then walked to Capel, the largest producer of Pizco (or so they claim) in Chile, in a short tour they explained us the process and then had a taste of it, only a small shot which was lame, we really thought we would try a few.

When we went back to the hotel the sky was already clearer and there was no news that the tour was cancelled so we went to the offices and after waiting a while we were finally on our way.

The guide looked a lot like my brother and spoke a lot, just like him, full of ideas, from one thing to the other, he wanted to tell us everything from telescopes to constellations to the galaxy’s infinity and so on.

For the first time in my life I saw Saturn and it’s rings and Mars, and the most impressive for me; the Milky Way galaxy, where planet Earth is. The star that was most impressive for me was Antaris, the so called “heart of the Scorpio constellation”, I could imagine all the unknown knowledge that could be a key to understanding our universe and maybe even ourselves.