Cambara do Sul is known for its two spectacular canyons, in fact the Fortaleza Canyon is about 8km long and in some parts 900mts high, some people compare it to the Grand Canyon but with trees.

There are not many words to describe the feeling of being in such a grand place, but if I was forced to I would say as a human you realize just how microscopical you are, yet so significant to the preservation of this wonders.

It is a hidden jewel of Brasil, only local tourist come to this wonderful place and maybe that’s why it was such a perfect visit, because it was just us with nature. 

At night we went to the “best” restaurant in town with organic salad buffet, pasta… here are the pictures below, it was great. 

My first tears in Brasil fell down after we stayed at a sucky “Pousada” with no hot water, it was freezing cold since it had no heating either and it was like 5 C out and inside, I started showering while crying. Bernd got into the shower afterwards and realized you just have to put less pressure and the water comes as hot as for tea, I wanted to cry again.

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