It was very early in the morning and after saying good bye we all got in the touristic van and went for a very long ride, like two blocks away to the village’s main square where girls were in their typical dresses and danced around a fountain 🙂

And then again to the van to visit a church but on the way there was a very old man selling handmade bracelets. I took the first one in my attempt to help him and gave him the exact amount of money. He then said: “Take the one you like the best!” I was confused as I had already taken one. Confused I said almost screaming two times: “I have already taken one!” because I thought he couldn’t listen. A man turns to me and says: “He’s blind!” I felt so bad and so sorry that in the world we live this eighty something old man has to work selling this bracelets that cost nothing. 

Anyway, again we got in the van heading to Cruz del Condor where many condors (you know one of the largest flying birds on earth) are spotted showing their horrible faces but stunning huge selfs to the hundreds of tourists that come to disturb their much appreciated silence. We learnt that they never attack animals, they just take advantage once an animal got killed or died. After observing them for almost an hour we drove back to Chivay. The way was bumpy, dry and hot as the AC didn’t seem to be working.

We had lunch in the same touristic restaurant of the previous day (almost all groups go there, anyway it was good) and got to know an English couple and a Australian girl with whom we shared our traveling stories and experiences on our way to Arequipa, where we arrived exhausted after so many hours in buses.

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